News & Events

International Day of the Girl Child

Uttaranchal Hospital and Diagnostic Centre in association with Uttaranchal College of Nursing and Uttaranchal College of Health Sciences celebrated International day of girl Child on 11 October 2023, a day dedicated to recognizing girls’ rights and empowerment worldwide. The hospital marked the occasion with a series of events and initiatives that promoted girl’s education, health, and well-being.

The day began with a symposium on girl’s health and wellness, awareness about female foeticide and provided information regarding sex ratio achievement featuring expert speakers and interactive sessions.

The International Day of the Girl Child celebration at UHDC had a profound impact on the girls who participated. They left with renewed confidence, inspiration, and a sense of belongingness. The event also raised awareness about the importance of investing in girl’s education and health, resonating with hospital staff, patients, and visitors alike.

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